Lindsay Wagner

Lindsay Wagner startling Timothy Bottoms

Aside from “The Paper Chase” (1973) being a great film—my opinion, of course— which, among other factors adding to its greatness, features an academy award-winning performance given by the sardonically brilliant John Houseman; it accrues an extra star rating just for having Lindsay Wagner as a cast member, and in a scene within which she is smoking; a scene replete with full drag, snap inhale and a beautifully teasing natural exhale while she smiles playfully!

If I sound crazy—giving such a detailed account of her every smoking movement—it’s because I am. However, you would only need to ask any other fetishist; not just about Lindsay, but concerning assessments they might offer when viewing/reviewing any examples of women indulging to come to the same conclusion. You would quickly notice that we all sound the same! …Crazy. lol

Of course, some of us (imagine seeing me point to myself) are a little more verbose.


PS — As a side note:

Back in the day, I would live for those inevitable moments during any given “[The] Bionic Woman” episode when Jaime (Lindsay) would have to employ her bionic hearing. The scene always included footage shot involving the camera zooming in on Lindsay’s incredibly lovely face, while quickly scanning over to the side of her head where her hand is seen pulling her hair back behind her bionic ear. I don’t know why that was a point of sexual significance for me; but who can clearly explain how the psychology surrounding the libido works? The intensity of the fire behind those seemingly big lustful blazes is almost always the end result of many tiny, almost unnoticeable sparks.

I mean, on its face, it’s silly enough; right? With superhuman hearing, she still found it necessary to pull back a relatively thin veil of sexy hair in order to hear a whispered conversation happening 6 city blocks away.

IWD 2022

With one fist in the air, and the fingers on my other simultaneously conveying both peace and “V” for victory , I extend best wishes on this International Women’s Day.