Vintage Pulp Illustrations.

Vintage pulp fiction illustrations.

As you probably have already guessed about me and my tastes in film and art, I have an intense love of classic film noir as a movie genre, and I have an affinity for the pulp readers published during the golden era. The cover illustrations, produced by many extremely talented artists, were almost always provocative.

The illustrations shown above appeared on both the original and reprinted publications as book covers for this novel (It’s a good read, by the way; a gritty noir PI story.)

The first is by an artist/photographer(?) unknown to me. The second, a re-release, was done by illustrator Rudy Nappi, a favorite of mine from that steamy and sexy era of pulp.

Caroline Catz Art Tribute

“Catz Eyes”— A project I’ve just completed, inspired by the great David Downton, and of course, the beauty of Caroline.

Here’s the first draft sketch work…

…and because I can’t leave things alone, below is a minimalist approach after the fact…

Anna Karina “Vivre Sa Vie”

From Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux” / ‘To Live Her Life: A Film in Twelve Scenes’ (1962). A beautifully conceived scene.

I’ve been in love since first seeing her, since first hearing her speak. You’ve probably noticed that I fall in love easily and frequently, judging from posts I’ve made in the past concerning this “her” or that “her.” Yes, I fall easily. I guess I count the proclivity of obsessiveness among my many faults. But, very few affect me on such a high level.




A couple of graphic art examples of mine which started organically as pencil sketches.