Caroline Catz Art Tribute

“Catz Eyes”— A project I’ve just completed, inspired by the great David Downton, and of course, the beauty of Caroline.

Here’s the first draft sketch work…

…and because I can’t leave things alone, below is a minimalist approach after the fact…

Anna Karina “Vivre Sa Vie”

From Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux” / ‘To Live Her Life: A Film in Twelve Scenes’ (1962). A beautifully conceived scene.

I’ve been in love since first seeing her, since first hearing her speak. You’ve probably noticed that I fall in love easily and frequently, judging from posts I’ve made in the past concerning this “her” or that “her.” Yes, I fall easily. I guess I count the proclivity of obsessiveness among my many faults. But, very few affect me on such a high level.