Vintage Pulp Illustrations.

Vintage pulp fiction illustrations.

As you probably have already guessed about me and my tastes in film and art, I have an intense love of classic film noir as a movie genre, and I have an affinity for the pulp readers published during the golden era. The cover illustrations, produced by many extremely talented artists, were almost always provocative.

The illustrations shown above appeared on both the original and reprinted publications as book covers for this novel (It’s a good read, by the way; a gritty noir PI story.)

The first is by an artist/photographer(?) unknown to me. The second, a re-release, was done by illustrator Rudy Nappi, a favorite of mine from that steamy and sexy era of pulp.

Plagiarism At Amazon (UPDATE: 10/24/23)

Caveat emptor!

I’ll make this as brief and to the point as I possibly can. But, those who have gotten to know me—and now, along with any new readers—know that the last statement will probably ring hollow as they read on…and on. When I start typing, especially where the subject matter provokes strong feelings, I just can’t stop! See? I’m already pontificating a lengthy paragraph!

I have the pleasure of being acquainted with several authors, both in my real-life professional universe (under my actual name) as well as with fellow writers with whom I’ve become friends while using my various pseudonym identities in the genre of erotica. I communicate often with these fine people on a weekly, sometimes daily basis.

Last week, a colleague in the latter category mentioned above brought a disturbing, albeit, as I am learning, a far too common situation to my attention. She fell victim to intellectual material robbery; her work was overtly and shamelessly plagiarized. An exact word-for-word, copy-and-paste edition of an erotic series upon which she and her co-writer husband have been laboring for quite a number of years was discovered in an official for-profit entry at Amazon.

Apparently, this dishonest pseudo-author perpetrator has only begun the theft. He/she has belligerently published the first book of stolen intellectual property taken from my friend’s work while promoting a continuance, a promise of future books in the saga—an already existing copyrighted saga, mind you, of great length being published in an ongoing series started in 2015 on an erotic story site elsewhere. The story’s origin actually goes back further than that; it had gotten its start at Literotica sometime before.

Now, the wheels of legality are presently turning to rectify this effrontery; so far, as of the date of this commentary, the thief’s post still exists. But, be that as it may, the damage has already been done. For one thing, the thief has probably made a considerable profit. The pilfered story has been up for sale since 2019. However, more importantly—of more significance to me, at any rate—I’m afraid this has gone far in breaking the spirit of my friend, an author of quality and much talent. Take my word for it; it would be a terrible loss if she and her husband gave up because of this upsetting turn of events.

I won’t post a link here to my friend’s original story (not without express permission; that may change; look to this post for updates), nor will I post a direct link to the plagiarist’s stolen version’s Amazon/Kindle entry: I don’t want to give the SOB any help. It’s bad enough that I have to publish a link to his page in order to further a point. However, I will link to the pseudonym under which he/she is stealing. Who knows how many other authors this so-‘n’-so is ripping off? For that matter, who knows how many other Amazon/Kindle “authors” there are in existence who have lifted, or who are presently lifting material from free sites and using that stolen property for their own monetary gain? Given my strong belief in the general goodness of humankind, I’d wager on that number probably being quite low. But, it does give one pause.

Yes, it’s an unsettling prospect. But, for now, I’ll leave that question unanswered and focus on one such person whom I know to be a charlatan. Avoid paying good monies, or any bad money, for that matter, to Rob (a suitable first name) Anderson. There’s a strong chance that any work you may be interested in purchasing will have been stolen outright!

Now, if you are of the mind to do something about this, why not question his legitimacy/veracity in a comment under one of “his” published works? Or better yet, write to him, or to Amazon.

Concerning that last suggestion, I’m aware of the pitfalls inherent in such an endeavor. I know that in this present-day nightmarish, monopolized corporate-designed landscape in which we’re living—with its interlocking boardrooms, its gatekeeping devices, and diversionary tactical methodologies in place to avoid accusation or direct consumer contact—it’s confusing to know what to do, or difficult to reach anyone who could make a difference. But, if this sort of thing evokes strong feelings within you, I ask you to try.

Of course, at the moment, you have only my word as to the truth of what I’ve described. I can only assure you of my earnestness. But, I appreciate your desire to exercise critical thought. That said, look to a possible update of this post in which I may provide direct links to the two works. You will then be able to do a comparison perusal and corroborate this claim.

So much for brevity; huh?



🇺‌🇵‌🇩‌🇦‌🇹‌🇪‌: 10/24/2023

Here are the links:

Here is the first chapter of the original legitimate published story titled “Hot Wife Katie” by HotWifeKatie; published at StoriesOnLine.netnotice the 2015 copyright.

Rob Anderson’s for-profit theft on Amazon; click on “Read Sample” found under the book’s front cover graphic on the left for comparison—notice the publishing date 2019 found under the “Product Details” section.

More theft by Rob—taken from the same legitimate story, written by the same original/legitimate author:

⬆⬆⬆⬆Added note: The legitimate author has just informed me that she and her co-writer located more fragments of the ongoing saga under different listed titles on Rob Anderson’s page.

Additional reading on the subject of present-day plagiarism.


I would be remiss if I didn’t wish all of the USA visitors to my little corner a happy and extremely enthusiastic—albeit belated—Juneteenth! Hell, let’s just consider it as being Juneteenth week; shall we? Celebrating its significance is much too important to be relegated to just one day!

And secondly, to all of us residing in the northern hemisphere of this pale blue planetary playground, I wish a happy summer solstice! Play nice, kids, while the tilt slowly swings back and the days grow shorter.

Note: I should wish those of you in the lower half a warm opposite solstice, as well. May your decreasing long nights be filled with joy.

“E-l-l-e”—Four Letters Arranged in a Sensually Precise Erotic Order.

…add the postliminary letters “a-l-e-x-a-n-d-r-a” in just that order, and you’ve expressed a near-perfect synonym for “lovely.”

A Dissertation—more of a smitten mini rant—to an Astounding Beauty (with images).

If I were to state that five feet seven inches tall model Elle Alexandra (aka Ashley Beth Bohannon) possesses the natural beauty, charm, and grace, not to mention a sincere unadulterated cuteness, while effortlessly exuding raw sexual magnetism and enormously effective erotic vibes, it would be a colossal understatement. In my mind, saying all of that still wouldn’t be enough. As it is in numbers, writing out the largest figure in an attempt to express infinity is an exercise in futility and quite impossible. Whatever large number I’d write would be no closer to expressing infinity than writing zero.

For me, the concept of “beauty” or “state of beautiful” has nuanced meaning and is visible, or is expressed in many ways. It exists within a multi-shaded medley. First, an agile intellect is important; it’s not just about thoughtfulness, or readied critical thinking, though, but it’s in a way of thinking and expressing one’s thoughts. Eloquence, humor, playfulness, and empathy are prerequisites. Of course, I’m writing in general terms. But, it’s a subjective thing, and a complex opinion to explain.

Insofar as outward physical visuals go, for me, faces are the most important: eyes [!], nose, hair, mouth, ears; general expressive physiognomy has a profound effect on me. Where my tastes are concerned, everything else carries little weight—the rest being superfluous featuring. Now, to be clear, I’m not talking about the notion of “‘perfect’ professional model facial beauty” as dictated through expectations imagined within popular opinion ratings standards. To me, the idea of “perfection” is highly nuanced, as well. Perfect visage beauty is found in imperfections. Again, it’s all subjective; isn’t it?

While, admittedly, I do not have even the foggiest notion as to where on any scale Elle’s IQ/mental capacity would fall—if she’s “well-read,” thoughtful, empathetic, etc. (although, this brief interview and this bio write-up are both intriguing and reassuring)—nor, do I know a great deal about her demeanor; but, I do glean a pleasurable, favorable feeling from her incredible face.

In short; WOW! She gives great countenance! Sorry…I couldn’t avoid the sexual connotation.

With all of that said, in this post, I will present a humble smattering of Elle visual stimuli—both smoking and non-smoking—in an attempt to scratch the surface of even beginning to support/justify that first paragraph I’d written. I’ll fall short; of this I’m certain. However, I’m willing to give it a try.

I know, I know!; some of you might be saying: “But, George; you’ve posted stuff concerning her before!” Yes, I have; and I’m glad you’ve noticed. But let’s make it official. To set a blog record, let’s make this post ceremonious by referring to it as a shrine—feeble in quantity as it will appear.

We’ll start with a Youtube post showing something she did at—a presently idle and discontinued/now un-updated smoking fetish site—back in 2013; this was the very first bit-o’ Elle Alexandra imagery revealed to my awestruck eyes. Click on the GIF below to access the YT post…


(Dare I employ the overused word “perfect”? Some may agree, some not. Okay, then—“near-perfect”? At any rate, for smoking fetishists like me, this video offering is a four-minutes-and-forty-eight seconds delicious combination of incomparable freckled, redheaded bliss and torture.)

Here’s more!


Above: Elle Alexandra with Sadie Holmes in a shoot for (2015)—To me, every drag, every perfect, streaming exhale Elle executes are demonstrations in the arts of sensuality and eroticism.

Below: Elle, in all her freckled natural beauty, from another shoot back in 2014


Some random images of beauty. (Elle’s beauty =♾️)

Elle’s imdb entry —

Elle’s “ElleHeartsGirls” site —

Oh, hell!

Oh, Elle!

“Vintage” VSI Model Question [SOLVED!] UPDATE


Smoking Fetish Notebook



Vintage VSI. I wish I knew the model’s name.


UPDATE: 13, April 2023

A couple of us—with me added constitutes a few—were talking about her and speculating as to her identity some time ago, as a cursory perusal of the comments under the original blog posting of the above model will show. Due to the inevitable and unstoppable march of time, and also to the fact that early VSI/Smoking Erotica material is moving into the back waters of staunch, old-timer fetishist’s consciousness (well, some of us, anyway)—into the realm of vintage—this beautiful model’s identity alluded my recollection: her name was lost amid the blur of names of all the other lovely subject studies captured in volume after volume of photo shoots done during that wonderful site’s infancy. And, there were plenty of incredibly stunning models!

Well, to shorten this already wordy update, I think I may have deduced the…

View original post 197 more words

A YouTube Find: Exhales

Rhonda Fleming

“Out of the Past” (1947)

The above clip is from this Youtube post.

For me, the above-featured Fleming clip constitutes a most memorable exhale and one of the most overall erotically teasing smoking moments I can think of. It, along with many film moments like it, was an early contributor to the development of my obsession/fetish/lust. I distinctly remember—when at a tender age, laying on the rug in the living room of my parents’ house in front of the 13-inch TV tube console—feeling “funny” while viewing this scene for the first time, flickering across that screen. Yes, that little thing, a defining moment; the heat I felt was undeniable.

NOTE: And by the way, “Out of the Past” is one of the best hard-boiled detective, but nonetheless, sensuous film noir offerings in American cinema! The acting is superb, the characters are thoroughly fleshed out, and the dialogue crackles—it is so well written! I cannot recommend seeing this more fervently! Stream it soon!

“Out of the Past” film was based on the pulp fiction novel “Build My Gallows High” (1946)—Writer: Geoffrey Homes (pseudonym of Daniel Mainwaring). Although officially credited for the screenplay, his draft was treated to rewrites by Frank Fenton, and, one of my personal favorite pulp noir writers, James M. Cain (of “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, “Double Indemnity”, and “Mildred Pierce” fame.)

Looking for the novel will be a letdown. It is rare. From the copies that are available, prices are prohibitive.


A bonus provocative Fleming exhale from another film!

Oh, my word! “Help me Rhonda…help, help me, Rhonda!”

Lorena: Smoking Diva (2017)


Below is the official blurb from her dedicated page at SmokingSweeties

Lorena feels on this video as the Smoking Diva she is. She smokes 7 cigarettes along the video, the scenes have been selected from a recent video shooting. She smokes naturally, with ease, while walking and having a drink in a terrace. The video contains only the moments that Lorena drags her cigarette, holds the smoke and exhales, and because her drags are continuous, the video cuts are smooth and natural. With each drag, the cigarette dances erecting vertically in her lips as her cheeks hollow hungrily with each drag.”

My reaction to the above GIFfy display? George concurs with Lucille…

Caroline Catz Art Tribute

“Catz Eyes”— A project I’ve just completed, inspired by the great David Downton, and of course, the beauty of Caroline.

Here’s the first draft sketch work…

…and because I can’t leave things alone, below is a minimalist approach after the fact…

Anna Karina “Vivre Sa Vie”

From Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux” / ‘To Live Her Life: A Film in Twelve Scenes’ (1962). A beautifully conceived scene.

I’ve been in love since first seeing her, since first hearing her speak. You’ve probably noticed that I fall in love easily and frequently, judging from posts I’ve made in the past concerning this “her” or that “her.” Yes, I fall easily. I guess I count the proclivity of obsessiveness among my many faults. But, very few affect me on such a high level.

Smoking Fetish YouTube Offering

Video — “Drags & Exhales”

Click on the lovely image above to view the YouTube feature.

A smoking fetish feature I’ve produced spotlighting just beautiful drags and perfect exhales.

Music: Époustouflé: dans cette profondeur ~ by me, your only logical choice – GLTyerbyter… Paid for by the “Tyerbyter For Political Solutions Committee,” Sector R.

Anne Bancroft GIF (Short in Length—Long on Pleasure)

An admittedly short GIF file of Anne Bancroft in “7 Women” (1965), John Ford’s last directorial effort. A great drag and exhale, though, and in a good film: one within which she smokes quite frequently! Some lovely holding shots, many drags, dangles and a few nose exhales, as well. She is positively striking in this film! (My opinion)

Oh, to be Mel Brooks at this time!


Thrown in for good measure, here’s a movie poster depicting her being ravaged from behind—by Woody Strode—while she’s smoking. It didn’t happen in the film, but it’s decadent fun imagining it, anyway. *heh*

“Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me!…Aren’t you?*gulp*

Christy Canyon—A Stab From the Past

Snippets taken from the opening credits of the video “Passages IV: Success” (1991)

Director – Paul Thomas

Writer – Ariel Hart

That last one… That exhale!

Need I profess my fetish obsession? Probably not, but I will anyway. Smoking aside, Christy is extraordinarily lovely and remains one of my favorites.

Her IMDb entry: Christy Canyon


Once more: a closer look…

Fetish Obsession Time Machine—The Dick Van Dyke Show

Mary Tyler Moore — No lovelier three words have ever been spoken. Without going into my usual tedious detail, the least I could say is that Mary was a phenomenon; she was an impactful force of comedic talent—a skill, by the way, she quite literally “picked up” and very quickly acquired right after being hired to do The Dick Van Dyke Show[!]—as well as being a gifted dancer and singer, to go along with her obvious beauty and charm. She easily lived up to the very definition behind that old show business term “triple threat.”

Obviously, much, much more could be said here about this talented, witty, intelligent and beautiful perfect storm called “Mary Tyler Moore,” and about the groundbreaking show “The Dick Van Dyke Show”—incredibly groundbreaking on multiple levels—but I’ll spare you my opinions; at least for now. She’ll crop up in later posts; on that, you can bet!.

The shot above : Mary Tyler Moore smoking, standing with Dick Van Dyke between takes on the set of The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961-1966). Although one of the show’s sponsors was Kent cigarettes, photographs or video of MTM partaking are rare. However, the cast, including Mary, did act in commercial spots—advertisements produced by the show and aired during ad breaks.

I’ve just purchased the 2012 Blu-ray release of the entire series. The box set includes the aforementioned ads. Check back to this blog for GIF files and photos in the near future.

Fetish obsession note:

MTM played a significant role in the development of my “affliction”; my penchant for lovely women, and especially for smoking women. She is referenced in an upcoming chapter of my ongoing personal story being published on this blog. Her resemblance to one of my aunts back during the days when this series was being aired, is striking, to say the least.

From the very first episode:

“The Sick Boy and the Sitter”

Season 1

Episode 1

Aired on October 3rd, 1961


R.I.P: Mary, Carl, Rose Marie, Morey, Richard, Jerry and Jerry, Ann, Sheldon and Danny. Not enough thanks can be expressed for all the years of joy and laughter.

An All-Points Bulletin (UPDATED: “Bratty Jamie”)


Regular visitors to this site will notice that I have posted both of the above-featured GIF files in various entries on this blog with some frequency. I’ve used them as accompanying images within text/story posts, as well as featuring them in my side widget imagery. The model somewhat resembles an aunt of mine; of how she looked way back in my sordid past.

Recently, one of my blog patrons had asked me about her. Unfortunately, I can only relate the following:

She has haunted my external hard drives—parallel any innuendo you wish from that last bit *grin*—along with generating heat within my most fevered dreams for quite some time, now, at least since 2006, as the calendar behind her would suggest. Her face is extraordinary, and those exhales—my, word! I saved them many years ago, but for the life of me I cannot recall their original source. To this day, I still have no idea who she is.

If anyone viewing this post has any information leading to the identification of this model—my guess is she hails from amateur status—or, if one of you is privy to the location of archived video footage somewhere, or any other information which may turn out to be helpful, please drop me a line. I’ll do the research on your findings, verify the legitimacy thereof, and give credit to you within either the form of an update to this post, or within a new entry.



Thanks to a member practitioner and fellow fetishist over at Smoking Fetish Kingdom forum, the model has been identified as (appropriately enough/aptly named) “Bratty Jamie”!

More imagery is forthcoming, of that I can assure you!

Audrey: There Will Never Be Another Like Her

Audrey Hepburn in the 1966 heist comedy “How To Steal a Million”, directed by William Wyler.

Co-starring Peter O’Toole, Eli Wallach, Hugh Griffith and the great Charles Boyer.


I watched this last night on TCM. Of course, I have seen this fun, screwball film before. However, it is not one which is shown often. So, I thought I’d share this with you in passing.

I guess it probably wouldn’t come as news to you regular blog visitors if I said that the scene depicted above stands out most in my mind? I mean, JEEZE! Just look at her! She is fetish incarnate! By the way; her wardrobe was designed by Hubert de Givenchy.

Oh, but there are plenty of other moments—scenes in which she’s not smoking—where I am just simply and so totally overwhelmed by her poise, by her intelligence, her charm, her voice, her general demeanor and obvious beauty.

Everyone else involved in this film are excellent, without a doubt. But, your eyes are naturally drawn to Hepburn no matter who’s on screen with her.

Beauté absolue, esprit et charme combinés en une seule personne.

Lindsay Wagner

Lindsay Wagner startling Timothy Bottoms

Aside from “The Paper Chase” (1973) being a great film—my opinion, of course— which, among other factors adding to its greatness, features an academy award-winning performance given by the sardonically brilliant John Houseman; it accrues an extra star rating just for having Lindsay Wagner as a cast member, and in a scene within which she is smoking; a scene replete with full drag, snap inhale and a beautifully teasing natural exhale while she smiles playfully!

If I sound crazy—giving such a detailed account of her every smoking movement—it’s because I am. However, you would only need to ask any other fetishist; not just about Lindsay, but concerning assessments they might offer when viewing/reviewing any examples of women indulging to come to the same conclusion. You would quickly notice that we all sound the same! …Crazy. lol

Of course, some of us (imagine seeing me point to myself) are a little more verbose.


PS — As a side note:

Back in the day, I would live for those inevitable moments during any given “[The] Bionic Woman” episode when Jaime (Lindsay) would have to employ her bionic hearing. The scene always included footage shot involving the camera zooming in on Lindsay’s incredibly lovely face, while quickly scanning over to the side of her head where her hand is seen pulling her hair back behind her bionic ear. I don’t know why that was a point of sexual significance for me; but who can clearly explain how the psychology surrounding the libido works? The intensity of the fire behind those seemingly big lustful blazes is almost always the end result of many tiny, almost unnoticeable sparks.

I mean, on its face, it’s silly enough; right? With superhuman hearing, she still found it necessary to pull back a relatively thin veil of sexy hair in order to hear a whispered conversation happening 6 city blocks away.

IWD 2022

With one fist in the air, and the fingers on my other simultaneously conveying both peace and “V” for victory , I extend best wishes on this International Women’s Day.

More Caroline Catz (Updated)

And my infatuation for all things Catz continues.

I just started watching the very dark, neo-noir-intense-UK-based “police drama” titled “The Vice”: an older series which ran on ITV from 1999 through 2003.

Instead of critiquing it, and/or getting into a deep dive review of its intricacies, I’m opting to skip right to recommending that you seek it out and watch these brooding, true noir episodes unfold.

“True noir?” you may ask. Oh yes! There are no happy endings to any of the episodic events, no comforting resolves or wrap-ups. Only fatalistic hardcore noir with brief pauses in the intensity as you walk from one shadowy ending, around an unlit corner, and stride right into another dark beginning.

The main cast is headed,*at first, by Ken Stott, and (mostly) revolves around the exploits, trials and tribulations of his character “Inspector Pat Chappel”— a somewhat gruff, frumpy type who heads the vice division within MPS of London; a savvy, compassionate copper whose character is fraught with flaws and “issues” developed through a checkered past. In my mind, Chappel is a character Dashiell Hammett would have dreamed up; in many ways—not all, but some—he’s a man right out of the Continental Op mold.

And, of course, there’s “P.C. Cheryl Hutchins,” one of Inspector Chappel’s underlings, played deftly by the subject of this blog entry, Caroline Catz. You will not be able to look away while you watch Caroline’s brilliant portrayal of her ever-evolving character as she moves from scene to scene.

Everyone is phenomenal in this series—the writers, directors, techs, and other actors; I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the powerful screen presence of David Harewood who is simply wonderful as “Sergeant/Inspector Joe Robinson“—and Catz is no exception! Most notably, her performance in the episode “Hooked” is both riveting and unsettling! No. There will be no spoilers here. I won’t go into any more detail.

And, what kind of a smoking fetish blog post would this be if I didn’t direct your attention to that aspect of this series; hmm? Well, there are numerous breathtaking “moments” peppering this series, one of which can be seen in a gif file just a scroll or two below!

As further incentive, I can tell you that not only are there scenes of Catz blowing off an occasional **“fag” (**no USA readers; I’m not being homophobic! It is an old Brit slang term for cigarette), but there are several other beautiful characters who partake here-and-there, as well.

  • (One spoiler) The main cast line-up changes somewhat in the middle of the series’ lifespan.

UPDATE (As of July 16, 2022): The series has been picked up by Britbox and is currently streaming to subscribers.

Below: A video I produced, music score and all.



An unbelievable exhale captured from Series 2 – Episode parts 2&3 “Walking on Water”


Just a bonus promo shot of Caroline during that time period…

PS: Happy birthday, Caroline! (October 19th)

My word! BARBARA!

Barbara Stanwyck and Ralph Meeker “Jeopardy” (1953)


Every little thing she does, man! Every little thing!

Hey! That would make for a great song! Yeah! Let’s see…

♩♬♪♫ Every little thing she does is…is…amazing!♩♬♪♫

No, no. That won’t do. I’ll work on it.

Many Happy Returns!

To all female visitors who have found it within their hearts to patronize my little blog, I wish a very happy, most certainly, a very safe, healthy and productive International Women’s Day.

Although significantly curtailed through the past year due to this debilitating pandemic, the stride forward toward true and just change continues.

Now Donned in My COVID Battle Armor

Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

For those of my blog patrons who have already received their dose/doses of COVID-19 vaccine, I’m pleased to announce the lifting of Smoking Fetish Notebook’s restrictions on small gatherings! I’ve just returned from my own visit to a vaccination center near me after giving my arm up to the one-dose-only jab of Johnson & Johnson | Janssen elixir! So, now all of you vaccinated readers may visit with complete confidence! However, let’s still keep the mask requirement and distancing recommendations in place; shall we…as precautionary measures? I mean; that’s how computer viruses spread; right? There’s no sense in taking chances, I always say.

After this long wait, I am so very happy that I have finally been immunized, while thanking my lucky stars—and/or any convenient fictitious deity—that I live in a relatively sane state here in the US, and don’t reside in Texas, or Mississippi, or Idaho, or Florida, or any one of the many other equally *infantilized, belligerent and bone-headed-radicalized-right-wing asylum states!

It’s funny though; during my drive back home to this editorial desk, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being tracked by the evil genius Bill Gates! (He said with tongue firmly entrenched in cheek)

By the way; this whole post has been tongue-in-cheek. “Ha-Ha and a Guffaw!” I was only foolin’! …Actually, I haven’t lifted any restrictions! Gatherings of any size are prohibited here!

I wish you all well. Keep safe, conscientious, patient and vigilant everyone! We will get through this!


* Before I piss anyone off; to be clear, I’m not referring to the common folk residing in those states; the people who make up the masses, namely the electorate. I am specifically referring to the extreme right-wing, forever-bloviating demagogic ideologues; those freakish pariahs, who through the repeated spouting of misleading, fabricated, and/or non-substantive and divisive rhetoric/propagandaall while blaming everyone or anything else for the woes they cause—have managed to either gaslight or suppress enough voters, gather enough corporate funding, and/or gerrymander enough districts in order to propel their sociopathic posteriors into occupying important seats of power in a supposed “representative” capacity. And, if you think that was a run-on sentence, wait ’til I catch my breath!

(I suppose I will still tick some off with the above-written rant…*sigh*…c’est la vie.)

Friendly advise: Continue to mask up and social distance, dear Texans! As of the writing of this post, only 7% of your state’s population has been immunized. It is far too early to be officiating a “let ‘er rip” proclamation; don’t ya think?!


More Desiree

…because I seem not able to get enough of Desiree (from

Oh! Cazzo! That ‘effing’ open-mouth inhale, and then that perfect exhale and the smile which follows makes me want to faint dead away!


Above: The video, from where the previous GIF was grabbed, within which sister “Rosy” is an accomplice.

For more of Desiree on this blog, click

PS: Just the sound of her exhales is enough to stiffen the softest fetish plank, or starch the sheets of any sail, or some other vulgar reference!

Story Time: A Squalid Yarn Lifted from the Ancient Net (NSFW)

First and foremost, it must be stated that I am not the author of the following untitled work of fiction.

So, why have I chosen to feature it here? Is it because it is an exceptional bit of writing, impressive through its structure, its ‘voice,’ its phrasing and presentation? No. It’s impressive, alright, but not due to any of that. Is it representative of literary genius? Is it poetically expressive, or does it poignantly state an important message? No again. None of the above. To me, it is just libido heightening. In that sense, I guess it is well written.

Well, aside from being a steamy, teasing yarn (in my opinion), which through the goodness of my benevolent heart I now feel the need to share; this story also holds some personal significance. It happens to be the earliest erotic story I had stumbled upon after purchasing, unboxing and starting up my very first PC, way back in the early 1990s.

It’s so typical; isn’t it? Here was this powerful technology; the advent of the “‘home’ computer era” still fresh within its burgeoning phase of being made affordable and widely available to the public at large. So, what did a conscientious, knowledge-craving male like me do after acquiring this awesome and wondrous tool? What was his first move once this latest testament to humankind’s seemingly boundless ingenuity was at his fingertips, and within the first fleeting moments of plugging into the grand and vast, information-laden WWW? Why, look for pornography, of course!

Well, in my defense, I must say that curiosity was the core motivating factor spurring my initial searches. As a long-time hardcore fetishist, I had dealt with my “affliction” alone within the dark corners of my own head for a considerable period, starting in pubescence/adolescence and growing stronger through adulthood.

[ By the way, if you’d like to learn about the developmental personal history concerning this obsession of mine, I encourage you to read my story; it’s an ongoing autobiographical account, which I am currently publishing in installments right here on this blog. PART ONE can be perused here, with all other chapters accessible through links provided in site navigation, as well as existing on the Storypage; a link to which is shown on the side navigation under “Categories.” ]

So, through my first browser searches, it was only natural for me to have felt the need to satisfy a burning desire to know; to finally see if the fears I had built up in my brain—not only about being alone in this preoccupation, but also about being severely psychologically impaired due to this peculiar kink of mine—were true, or if in fact there were others, possibly a great number of other tortured souls, who were similarly obsessed.

To my relief, I quickly found out the latter chance of hope held true, to which your presence here on my blog, reading text and viewing images can attest. Well… that is not proof of the obsession’s acceptability; I know. It merely proves that I’m not alone. But, I’ll take assurance anywhere I can get it!

And then, adding to the excitement building in my brain over this discovery, and while experiencing these reassuring epiphanies, one of my first searches produced this very short little dirty ditty-of-a-tale! I was amazed and immediately drawn in, not only mind-blown over the thrust of the story’s direct dealings with smoke fetishism, and with such explicit sexual descriptiveness. I was also taken by the fact that it appeared to be emphasizing many of the offshoot fetishes—lipstick, make-up, etc; stuff of outcropping obsessions—which had seemed to develop in strength right along side of the smoking obsession within my deviant little thoughts through the years!

Anyway, as promised, here is that untitled story, written by someone who went by the handle “meyer” someone/something-or-other… For the sake of labels, we’ll call the hot story “Cassie’s Story.” …I know, so clever; right?

PS: One other thing—I must say that I had found several permutations/re-writes of the original text back in the day. I can’t remember the source from which I had acquired the following rendition. This file has found its way onto one successive fresh hard drive after another through the years. And, I can tell you that over time, countless sperm cells were spent reading the “trigger” phrases! OKAY! I know, I know! You didn’t need to hear that last bit! My apologies…


Cassie’s Story

by “meyer” so-‘n’-so

Cassie moved closer to John on the couch as they watched a movie they had rented. Unconsciously, he put his arm around her shoulders, not taking his eyes from the action on the screen. 

Having grown bored some minutes earlier, Cassie decided to take control of the situation and launch an attempt at getting John’s mind away from the movie and onto her body, where it belonged. 

Abruptly, she shrugged off his arm and got up from the sofa, her lithe form moving across the room toward the table where her purse sat. After reaching into the bag, her hand emerged, now grasping a pack of Marlboro Light 100’s and a lighter.  A smile of satisfaction crossed her face as she noticed John tense up a bit in anticipation. It was an ever-so-slight, subtle change in his demeanor; but a perceptible one, nevertheless. Already she knew how easy it was going to be to seduce him. 

Still smiling, Cassie sauntered back to the couch. She sat down, only a little farther away from John this time, watching him as he fought to keep his eyes on the television. 

The click of her lighter pierced the soundtrack like a firecracker, and she almost laughed as saw him flinch. From that moment on, she knew John would be taking peeks at her every few seconds, trying to catch her as she made a slow, full exhale from deep in her chest. 

She pulled hard from the cigarette on this first drag, her moist lips molding around the filter as she inhaled deeply. Right on schedule John’s face turned toward her. 

Normally she would turn her head just the slightest bit towards him and blow a full stream of smoke at just the right angle for him to see perfectly. But tonight she wanted him to work for his pleasures. So, instead, she turned away so all he could see was the dissipating cloud around her head. 

John groaned almost audibly but let his attention return to the movie. Cassie was tormenting him tonight, worse than usual, and he had a feeling it would get worse before it got better. Already his pants were becoming too tight in the crotch as the aroma of her smoke filled the air and sifted to his nose.

When he turned back to face Cassie, he saw that she had put on fresh lipstick; a dark red shade which looked stunning with her red hair.  She’d already been wearing a brownish eye shadow that made her look dark and glamorous, and this time when she took a drag, she held it for a moment and then treated him to a perfect profile view of the exhale. 

John forgot about the movie at that moment, as her hand came to rest lightly, then stroke his thigh through his jeans.  Cassie closed her eyes and took another drag from the long white cigarette, her nails scraping gently across the bulge in his jeans. He gasped in time with her out-breath and leaned in towards her. 

Knowing that he wanted her to kiss him with her hot, smoky breath, she teased him, leaning in while barely touching her lips to his, and then pulling back before his open mouth could suck her in.

Deliberately, mischievously, Cassie leaned close to John and sucked on the cigarette, taking a hot drag just inch from his face.  As she opened her lush lips to inhale, he watched the ball of smoke disappear in an instant from her mouth and down into her lungs.  She held it there for a few seconds, then blew it out in a full stream just past his ear while wrapping both of her arms around his neck to pull him in. 

John lunged forward, thrusting his tongue inside Cassie’s sweet mouth, feeling the ridges of her teeth and playing with her full lips and warm tongue.  The taste of remnant smoke in her mouth excited him beyond belief. That excitement grew from the effect of feeling her hand busily undoing his pants. It freed his stiffened cock, and she then began to stroke. 

Her other hand, holding the cigarette, came once again to her mouth, and she pulled deeply on the filter.  Without exhaling first, she crushed her mouth to his and started kissing him, slowly breathing the smoke into his mouth.

The combination of the smoke-laced kisses and her hand pumping his engorged dick was becoming overwhelming to him, and he felt his chest start to constrict in the familiar tightness that precedes an orgasm. 

Cassie sensed his nearness and took one more drag on the Marlboro, ultimately blowing the smoke in a tight stream directly into his face before kissing him hungrily on the lips within the cloud as she continued jerking him off.  Immediately, his cock exploded, spraying thick come all over her jacking hand and wrist.

She stroked him until he stopped shuddering, then licked the semen from her hand and swallowed it down, knowing that seeing her eat his jism would get him turned on all over again, and ready to fuck. 

Of course, she had some other ways to get him hard again in mind as well, she thought with dark amusement as she lit another cigarette…

Greetings and Salutations

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕥.

Thank you for finding it within your hearts to even consider visiting someone’s site here in the United States, especially after the absurdities and general cartoonishness of the past four years!

I Need To Know! (UPDATED)

Any information leading to the positive identification of this model and/or to the video from which this GIF was taken would be greatly appreciated.



A positive ID has been brought to light for me, thanks to Ken! That intoxicating short performance was done by the famed “Smoking Vanessa.”

Thank you. Ken!

Her exhale makes me wanna faint!

Further Update:

The video, whence it came can be found HERE.

♩♬♫♪ Ah! Sweet mystery of life, AT LAST, I've found thee! Ah! I know at last the secret of it all! All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning! ♩♬♫♪


Desiree: Exhales to write home about. ღ

Model: “Desiree” from the UK site

Words become woefully inadequate to me while trying to properly communicate the effect, to even come close to describing the extent of fluster such imagery produces within me. It must come down to something I hate; resorting to the use of annoying emojis!


Momma Mary, Joe and the all-powerful, all-knowing, highly-influential deified infant his-very-selfSAVE ME!

I’m in desperate need of brake realignment, or a lube and an oil change, or some other suggestive, filthy-minded automotive metaphor!

Quintessential Noir.










Gilda 1946
“Gilda” (1946) — Uncle Pio (Steven Geray) relates an observation to Gilda (Rita Hayworth)



(My word; but the light positively explodes across that jacket, like hundreds of supernovae! )

7Ei4.gif  giphycc.gif


More of the incomparable Rita Hayworth in “Gilda” (1946)

Anne Francis


Anne Francis — September 16, 1930 – January 2, 2011

From the short-lived television series “Honey West” (1965-1966). Francis’ obvious seductively beautiful features aside, “Honey West” is most notable for being the first television show which bore the title of a female detective character’s name.

Brief Thoughts on Lee Remick, “Anatomy of a Murder,” McCarthyism, and the Motion Picture Code.



The incomparably-enticing Lee Remick—bruised, but still enticing.

The GIF file and the three photos above it are from the ground-breaking 1959 release of director Otto Preminger’s “Anatomy of a Murder.”

Remick turns in a stellar, sensuality-laced portrayal of Laura Manion, a sexy, free-spirited young married woman who becomes the victim of an apparent violent rape. Her husband, Lieutenant Frederick Manion (”Manny”), a career military man played by Ben Gazzara, exacts revenge by killing her rapist. Those elements alone would be the basis of an interesting tale. However, ambiguity swirls around within the storyline, laying the seeds of doubt as to the veracity of Laura’s and Manny’s characters throughout this brilliantly conceived screenplay; all of which makes for an even more taut drama.

The film begins within the aftermath of the rape and murder, weaving the story concerning the details of the events through the ensuing courtroom trial where Lt. Manion is defended by his lawyer, Paul Biegler, portrayed by the versatile James Stewart. George C. Scott, Eve Arden, and Author O’Connell, among others, also give fine performances, as well.

Parenthetically, but most notably—and an extremely fascinating fact, as well—through a stroke of casting genius (thanks in part to a suggestion made by Spencer Tracy’s assistant), Preminger called on real-life counselor/lawyer Joseph N. Welch to play the role of the trial judge. In US history, Welch constitutes a significant footnote within the evolution of the American saga.

Along with other important events, of course—in part, I am referring to the role Edward R. Murrow played in challenging the legitimacy of McCarthy’s reign of terror, not to mention the eventual senatorial censure in 1954—it was partly due to Welch’s conduct in his role as chief counsel for the US Army during the “Army-McCarthy hearings” which helped in deflating the demagogic, gasbag Republican senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy, while going far in at least beginning to perpetuate a conclusion to the dark, right-wing nightmare that was “McCarthyism.”

Opposition to Joseph McCarthy and what he represented made its way into pop culture. Here, artist Walt Kelly lampooned McCarthy by introducing the character “Simple J. Malarkey” to audiences through his wildly popular comic strip “Pogo” in 1953.

At a point in the proceedings, while defending the character of an associate who was being cited in the hearing as having communist ties, and while also admonishing McCarthy for naming that associate on national TV, Welch confronted the bloviating Senator in disgust, saying; “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

Among the important factors that make this movie significant surrounds its sensitive subject matter—its then-deemed ‘bold’ sexual language (the existence of which motivated a legal ruling that temporarily banned its showing in Chicago), and the sexually-repressive time frame within which it was released.

But mostly, in my opinion, it represented an early and brave, in-the-face, direct challenge to The Motion Picture Production Code, better known as the “Hays Code”—a set of “moral” conduct production “standards/guidelines”—concocted by prominent Christian religious figures at the time, then presented to, adopted and dictated by the industry’s trade association called the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), whose president was Will H. Hays, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), as a self-regulating censoring tool.

Also, as a musician, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that this film prominently features a phenomenal soundtrack; its music was brilliantly scored and performed by one of my all-time favorites, jazz legend Duke Ellington (who, incidentally, appears in a brief-but-memorable scene)! The high trumpet note hit at the very end of the film is one for the record books!

Oh, and by the way; “Anatomy of a Murder” is the only place where you get to hear brilliant, sometimes-comedic character actor Howard McNearmost popularly known to US audiences for his role as the gossipy, breathy-voiced, vague-and-somewhat-slow-witted, “Floyd Lawson,” proprietor of Mayberry’s local barber shop on the mostly squeaky-clean 1960s TV series “The Andy Griffith Show—who, while playing a witnessing doctor taking the stand in one of the courtroom scenes, utters the sentence; “They wanted me to make a test for the presence of sperm…on the person of a Mrs. Frederick Manion…”   ツ

Swiss/French Cinéma





From “La Salamandre,” a 1971 Swiss release starring French actress and screenwriter Bulle Ogier.

One of my favorite French releases during the early 1970s which starred Bulle was the quirky/surreal offering from director Luis Buñuel “Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie” (1972).

Both films are worth checking into.


Mon coeur bat vite!


Magnificence du film noir!

German designers obviously thought so highly of Ava that they gave her top billing on this poster. Unless of course, they were listing in alphabetical order.

Where do I begin suggesting Ava Gardner films? Since I hold a strong preference for the stylistic movie-making genre of film noir, especially those shadowy, fatalistic films produced in Hollywood during the golden era in the 1940s, I guess I’ll focus my selective eye there.

So, in my opinion, an excellent start for Gardner films would be the taut, suspenseful, plot-heavy crime drama noir “The Killers” released in 1946. As a tense pot-boiler, to me this tenebrous film represents everything a meaty film noir motion picture should be, including the essential fatalistic ending. As a point in fact, you actually get to see one of many grim endings play out within the first 20 minutes of the film. If you’re wondering what I meant by the phrase “one of many,” I suggest that you view this magnificent film.

This scene depicts the moments before “The Swede” takes the “big sleep.”

Insofar as I’m concerned, you can’t go wrong with this pick! Its dark, weaving plot is based on an Ernest Hemingway story; a tale which is further improved upon with an excellent screenplay officially credited to Anthony Veiller, but was co-written, along with Richard Brooks, by the great John Huston (uncredited). The thing which makes this screenplay unique is its pace. It parts from traditional narrative structure via the use of a series of flashbacks while communicating information in bits and pieces to audiences gleaned through an ongoing investigation of facts.

Add to this mix of talent vivid black and white cinematography (Elwood “Woody” Bredell ), flawless editing (Arthur Hilton), adept direction by Robert Siodmak, a great soundtrack by composer Miklós Rózsa—the musical theme will be one I’m sure you’ll recognize…its iconic underpinning phrasing was used in the “Dragnet” radio series in the late 1940s through the 1950s, as well as the TV series during the late 1960s starring Jack Webb and Harry Morgan—and there, on the screen you have it; extraordinary movie-making art. Throw in fabulous acting performances by Burt Lancaster, Edmond O’Brien, William Conrad, AND of course, Ava Gardner, and you get film noir at its finest!

Incidentally, Ava’s stunning beauty and sensuality will absolutely overload your senses!







Momma Mary and Joe! *pant!*

*ahem*…Sorry. My libido went into overdrive.

Oh well, here’s a final gif image; one that’s not in the movie, but well worth posting!


Ava – Another Obsession.


Another longtime obsession of mine; the incomparably lovely Ava Gardner, femme fatal extraordinaire! The gif above is a brief scene taken from the film noir classic “The Bribe” (1949).

Ava Gardner was, and still is, a genuine standout! Besides honed acting skills, she possessed a remarkable beauty which even today defies description. The term “goddess” is overused. However, in Ava’s case, I think the application is justified. I can only nod my head in reverence with eyes shut, and thank goodness for film! Because of it, we can still experience her. We can stare in wonder, and be overwhelmed by her anew. Even though she has long gone, because of film, I stand in awe, filled with gratitude that there is a vivid record of this stunning phenomenon!

Here’s a montage of several other films…


And Anna, yet again.


Anna Karina as Nana Kleinfrankenheim in Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie : film en douze tableaux” (1962).

And, before anyone comments…YES! I am obsessed with her, as a cursory glance through my archive will confirm!



A beautifully conceived, written and directed scene. (Ah…*sigh*…My heart longs for substantive conversations such as depicted. The art is lost in modern films, and in everyday modern life.)…

Paige Turnah!

Another model of whose imagery I can never get enough is British goddess Paige Turnah. She appeared quite frequently in multiple posts on my old-and-now-defunct Tumblr blog. As a matter of fact, she was the feature in the blog’s header image.

“Sexy” is too inadequate of a term to even begin using while describing Paige!





Inviting and Lovely

From the adult pay site

I normally don’t frequent this site mainly because most of the material I’ve seen featured there does not showcase models who actually inhale, but I’m making an exception in the case of this alluring model.

UK Beauty

Sarah – form the currently-down site

Her exhale in that last frame is nothing short of amazing to me. 💘





Incredibly lovely Nene –

If you listen closely, you can hear my heart pounding.







To those of you who know me and who are well aware of my infatuation, my passion, my undying admiration for the great Danish-French new wave film star Anna Karina, I offer an apology. You’ve seen me post countless tributes to her both here and on my old, now-defunct Tumblr sites. You’re probably sick of my behavior by now; correct? And rightly so! It’s embarrassing even to me when I consider how much blog space I’ve devoted to images of Anna, and how many blubbering, star-struck paragraphs I’ve typed in praise of her.

However, be that as it may, undaunted, I will continue to erect love-laced blog post shrines such as this while hoping you’ll understand. Her enchanting presence, along with the work she did with director Jean-Luc Godard in the 1960s are timeless to me, and will forever hold my heart in the grip of obsession.

So, here are even more alluring visions; images grabbed from favorite films, which I’ve collected over the years. Sorry for any repeats…









A beautiful, prevailing wind wafting from the north brought this arousing vision my way this morning. Fetish delight from Canada!

…By the way, “Lou,” ( that is, if I caught your name correctly?); the fact that you proudly wear glasses only adds to your obvious beauty! 

Film Noir Feature.


The incredibly sexy Martha Vickers portraying the neurotic, drugged-up “Carmen Sternwood” in a scene from another one of my all-time favorite dark and fatalistic film noir classics “The Big Sleep” (1946). That’s Humphrey Bogart trying to shake her back into sober existence. He fails, by the way. But it makes for a sexy scene. …Geeze! That look she gives him after the grasping shoulder shake! ツ

I highly recommend this one! Directed by the great Howard Hawks, it is based on a novel by Raymond Chandler, and the plot has more twists and turns in it than a Bavarian pretzel, so pay strict attention!

…AND, by the way, this film also has Lauren Bacall in it, as well!! 💓


Thank you, Ken!

A debt of gratitude must be paid to Smoking Fetish Notebook follower Ken H. for his helpful reaction to my opining in a post I logged yesterday here on SFN; a post where I lamented on the apparent lack of women-of-color within internet smoking fetish material. Acting on informative tips made in a comment Ken wrote as a reply to that post, I was able to access three very good YouTube channels. I highly recommend you visit the channels I’ve linked to below!

…And you’re right, Ken! As you said; Coco’s sensual approach is quite “unbelievable!” And “Eris” leaves me breathless!

Thanks again, Ken!


Channel LINKS


“Eris Nox” –



“Sexy Coco83” –



Absolutely Stunning!


Words fail me! My reactions are diminished to passion-laced guttural noises, or just panting! If I were to pick single word superlatives, “magnificent,” or “ravishing” come to mind. I’m starving for the sight of smoking fetish imagery featuring women of color! There are just not many examples out there.

I hereby make a solemn promise to post any and all material I come across which highlight this beautiful rarity.

Mmmm…another one to conclude this post. I only wish it had featured the impending exhale!



Caroline Catz-zzzz-z-z-z-z-z! (UPDATE August 2022)


Above: A snippet from the YouTube post featured/linked below

Caroline Catz, along with a cast of others from the series “The Vice.”


The device has yet to be invented which could measure the level of overwhelming excitement I feel whenever I take in the pulchritude, the absolute overall beauty of British stage and television celebrity Caroline Catz! I’ve felt this enamored ever since the first moment I saw her back in the early 2000s playing the character “Louisa Glasson” opposite the great Martin Clunes (“Doctor Martin Ellingham”) in the standout ITV series “Doc Martin.” The vision of her astonishingly lovely visage—not to mention her dazzling smile, along with the sweet sound of her voice—secures an exalted high position very near the top of my personal list of favorites; a list which records the most beautiful women ever to walk the earth! Michael Higgs, her husband, in my opinion is one of the luckiest people EVER!

Caroline Catz
Caroline Catz with husband Michael Higgs

So, you can imagine my reaction when I had stumbled onto a previously available but now deleted video offering on YT featuring Caroline smoking! I was reduced to a mumbling fool within the first few seconds of viewing! Overcome by that original video, I immediately posted it here, only to be devastated when it suddenly disappeared, along with the associated YouTube account. But, I’ve since made my own—the one featured above—uploaded it to YT, and incorporated it back into this very post to rectify this situation. (By the way: Please check out the rest of my channel. I’m building a small catalogue there which you may be interested in viewing.)

I’m certain my UK followers are well aware of Caroline’s history, of her early musical career, and of the many TV shows in which she’s acted, including “Doc Martin.” But, for those of my American patrons who may be unaware of her presence, or who have never heard of the “Doc Martin” series, I urge you to research!

Just because I can’t get enough of Caroline, I’ll end this smitten/awe-struck hommage with a few more photo representations of her beauty…


ezgif-7-85740ec95e43   ed11b143cc7ac2dd529befa454b59ba5-2754250167




…Oh, my word!

A Beautiful Family.

I absolutely love this family’s repartee! I love their obvious closeness, and the display of unfettered, organic openness, mutual respect and affection. They demonstrate an authentic working example of what the phrase “bridging the generation gap” actually means!

I especially enjoyed their humor, while they discussed and explored the daughter’s discovery online of the smoking fetish phenomenon. “Mom” is so cool and exemplary of a great parent, demonstrating how a parent’s relationship with an offspring should go!

It’s obvious she brought her daughter up to be a spirited, level-headed, good-humored and well-adjusted critical thinker; one whose curiosity is unbounded and open, and whose discussion of human behavior is inclusive, completely non-dismissive and understanding.

The daughter (Brenda-Lee/Lily? Sregdor) is wise beyond her years and it is obvious from whom she acquired that trait! Because of all the above, to me, both mom and daughter are extremely sexy!…Henri’s not so bad, either. ツ

Very funny and fun to watch!

Please visit “PharaohHazard” Youse-Tubez channel to view/hear Brenda-Lee, as well as her lovely mom and Henri, discuss/quip and generally share observations on a myriad of subject matter!