A YouTube Find: Exhales

Rhonda Fleming

“Out of the Past” (1947)

The above clip is from this Youtube post.

For me, the above-featured Fleming clip constitutes a most memorable exhale and one of the most overall erotically teasing smoking moments I can think of. It, along with many film moments like it, was an early contributor to the development of my obsession/fetish/lust. I distinctly remember—when at a tender age, laying on the rug in the living room of my parents’ house in front of the 13-inch TV tube console—feeling “funny” while viewing this scene for the first time, flickering across that screen. Yes, that little thing, a defining moment; the heat I felt was undeniable.

NOTE: And by the way, “Out of the Past” is one of the best hard-boiled detective, but nonetheless, sensuous film noir offerings in American cinema! The acting is superb, the characters are thoroughly fleshed out, and the dialogue crackles—it is so well written! I cannot recommend seeing this more fervently! Stream it soon!

“Out of the Past” film was based on the pulp fiction novel “Build My Gallows High” (1946)—Writer: Geoffrey Homes (pseudonym of Daniel Mainwaring). Although officially credited for the screenplay, his draft was treated to rewrites by Frank Fenton, and, one of my personal favorite pulp noir writers, James M. Cain (of “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, “Double Indemnity”, and “Mildred Pierce” fame.)

Looking for the novel will be a letdown. It is rare. From the copies that are available, prices are prohibitive.


A bonus provocative Fleming exhale from another film!

Oh, my word! “Help me Rhonda…help, help me, Rhonda!”

Lorena: Smoking Diva (2017)


Below is the official blurb from her dedicated page at SmokingSweeties

Lorena feels on this video as the Smoking Diva she is. She smokes 7 cigarettes along the video, the scenes have been selected from a recent video shooting. She smokes naturally, with ease, while walking and having a drink in a terrace. The video contains only the moments that Lorena drags her cigarette, holds the smoke and exhales, and because her drags are continuous, the video cuts are smooth and natural. With each drag, the cigarette dances erecting vertically in her lips as her cheeks hollow hungrily with each drag.”

My reaction to the above GIFfy display? George concurs with Lucille…