Anna Karina “Vivre Sa Vie”

From Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux” / ‘To Live Her Life: A Film in Twelve Scenes’ (1962). A beautifully conceived scene.

I’ve been in love since first seeing her, since first hearing her speak. You’ve probably noticed that I fall in love easily and frequently, judging from posts I’ve made in the past concerning this “her” or that “her.” Yes, I fall easily. I guess I count the proclivity of obsessiveness among my many faults. But, very few affect me on such a high level.

Swiss/French Cinéma





From “La Salamandre,” a 1971 Swiss release starring French actress and screenwriter Bulle Ogier.

One of my favorite French releases during the early 1970s which starred Bulle was the quirky/surreal offering from director Luis Buñuel “Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie” (1972).

Both films are worth checking into.


Mon coeur bat vite!


And Anna, yet again.


Anna Karina as Nana Kleinfrankenheim in Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie : film en douze tableaux” (1962).

And, before anyone comments…YES! I am obsessed with her, as a cursory glance through my archive will confirm!



A beautifully conceived, written and directed scene. (Ah…*sigh*…My heart longs for substantive conversations such as depicted. The art is lost in modern films, and in everyday modern life.)…


To those of you who know me and who are well aware of my infatuation, my passion, my undying admiration for the great Danish-French new wave film star Anna Karina, I offer an apology. You’ve seen me post countless tributes to her both here and on my old, now-defunct Tumblr sites. You’re probably sick of my behavior by now; correct? And rightly so! It’s embarrassing even to me when I consider how much blog space I’ve devoted to images of Anna, and how many blubbering, star-struck paragraphs I’ve typed in praise of her.

However, be that as it may, undaunted, I will continue to erect love-laced blog post shrines such as this while hoping you’ll understand. Her enchanting presence, along with the work she did with director Jean-Luc Godard in the 1960s are timeless to me, and will forever hold my heart in the grip of obsession.

So, here are even more alluring visions; images grabbed from favorite films, which I’ve collected over the years. Sorry for any repeats…








Vivre Sa Vie

Anna Karina

Vivre sa vie : film en douze tableaux; “To Live Her Life: A Film in Twelve Scenes” (1962)

Another Throwback Thursday re-blog.